On November 28, 2019 it was 100 years since Australia’s then Governor-General, Sir Ronald Munro-Ferguson, turned the first sod to construct the Hume Dam. The Dam was not officially opened until 1936.
The Bethanga Bridge spanning the Hume Dam was one of 583 bridges designed by Percy Allan. A YouTube video by Russell Gawthorpe pays tribute to Percy Allan and features the Bethanga Bridge. Click on the link to view Russell’s video:
Click on the link for a pdf document with a quick overview of the Hume Dam’s construction: Hume Dam Construction
Construction Illustrated & Described
A 2001 PowerPoint presentation, written and narrated by then president of A&DHS, Gerry Curtis, outlines planning and construction of the dam, the machines used and the people involved. Gerry’s 83 minute video has been restored and can now be viewed on YouTube:
In 2021, a four-part series covering similar themes was written and narrated by Greg Ryan. Click on the links:
Part 1 (13 minutes): Prior to Construction
Part 2 (20 minutes): The Spillway Wall
Part 3 (13 minutes): The Embankment
Part 4 (25 minutes): Wrapping Up
Celebrating 100 Years
Hume Dam construction started with a ceremonial ‘turning of the first sod’ on November 28, 1919 by Australia’s Governor-General, Sir Ronald Munro-Ferguson.
For an account of activities in 2019 to celebrate 100 years, go to our page Events/Activities
In 2019, the Border Mail published articles describing progress in construction of the Hume Dam. The articles can be accessed below:
Part 1: The Concept
Part 2: Planning a Dam
Part 3: Getting Started
Part 4: The Human Cost
Part 5: The Victorian Core Wall
Part 6: The Bethanga Bridge
Part 7: Tools of Trade
Part 8: The Spillway Rises
Part 9: The U-tube Nears Completion
Part 10: A Load of ‘Plums’
Part 11: The End is Nigh
Construction of the Hume Dam
- The Murray River (top) and Mitta Mitta River (right) pre Hume Dam
- 1919 looking upstream at future dam site
- 1919 Surveyors at work on dam site
- 1919 Survey of dam wall site
- 1919 guests at 'first-sod' ceremony
- 1919 Turning of first-sod by Governor-General Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson
- 1920 construction begins
- 1920 construction begins